8 Things To Do When You Feel Depressed, Angry or Down


Everyone has been there I’m sure. Recently, I have been feeling low and I get irritated VERY easily. I can’t get out of bed early. I could not fall asleep. I feel very unproductive. And there seems no way for me to get out of this. One night, I scrolled down my Youtube feed, and I had been binge watching most of “Kalyn Nicholson” videos which helped me A LOT to get me through this down times. I’ll leave some points down below that I have learned from her as well as things that work for me!

  1. Keep in mind “Everything in life is only temporary” including down and bad times. Even though you might feel like you will not be able to get through this, it will pass one day. Just hold on and keep believing it will pass soon. Nothing is permanent.
  2. Declutter and clean your room. And donate things you no longer need.
  3. Love yourself. Take a long shower or bath. Have a ME-TIME (pampering yourself or make yourself nice food). Look after your body and mind. Cut out people and things that bring you down. Eat healthy food. Exercise. Invest in yourself. Dress-up and show up.
  4. Meditate – I have just started to meditate as many YouTubers I have watched (Mimi Ikonn, Lavendaire and Kalyn Nicholson) all say meditation help depression, anxiety and down times.
  5. Watch out for negative thoughts. When you caught them, change your mind to positive one or be present.
  6. Volunteer and help others
  7. Go outside and hang out with your friends – don’t lock yourself up in your room.
  8. Find a hobby or hobbies to keep you busy e.g. blogging, sports or baking.


I hope you all have lovely day and keep smiling!

Mooklyn x

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